What do you love about coming to Sõrve? I love giving back to the Estonian community and sharing the Estonian culture with our community.
I love creating a magical camp for both elanikud and juhid to thrive and feel nurtured in all they do. I enjoy seeing the wonder and awe on the kids faces when we create amazing experiences for them and show them how to connect with their heritage. What's your best memory of Sõrve? When we were kids and it was raining, the leaders made a slip and slide down to the lake. We spent the afternoon, the whole camp, sliding around in the rain and soap and had the best time!
Assistant Camp Leader Andrew Kass
What do you love about coming to Sõrve? I come to Sõrve to reconnect with my friends and Estonian heritage
What's your best memory of Sõrve? Best memory is laughing until it hurts - every year
Roster Juht Jana Mõisa
Kommandant Taimi Maidla
What do I love about coming to Sõrve? The Sõrve feeling - there's nothing else like it. Thinking about it conjures up a nostalgia like nothing else I've experienced. I love that it's the one constant in my life that's not going away.
What's your best memory of Sõrve? On my first A group hike (we were the "little A's") we stayed on the jetty side of camp but up past Grevillea. I remember being the last one standing and did an all nighter. Sitting in my sleeping bag watching the sun rise that morning was a special moment I'll never forget