*Peel a banana with your feet *Rolling a roll of toilet paper close but not over the edge of the stage. Put a shoe on it, then get your shoe back *Bowls upside down on BBQ tables, stuff underneath the bowls like an apple. Memory game? *Wearing boxing gloves or cooking mits or a pirates hook to open chip packets *Using only lake water to get a beach ball around an obstacle course *Blindfolded with shot glasses full of random things like water, vinegar, Vegemite, egg, sand/cotton wool etc. Need to fill a pint glass full of water only. Measure using empty shot glasses/test tubes https://www.facebook.com/KidsArtnCrafts/videos/160209605258536/ *Hopping in reusable shopping bags like a potato sack, benefits smaller kids *Attach string to can, other end to a cardboard tray and they have to wind the string around the can to get it towards them *Slanted table, dropping pens and kids have to catch them in a bucket *2 tiles, hop on one then have to move the other one in front then jump on that one *Race to blow an upside down paper cup with a straw point a to point b *Competition using fans or ping pong paddles to wave something light against someone else. Use more than 1 light thing to make it interesting *Put a thin pole or straight stick behind someone but between their elbows, they're lying down on their stomachs and have to get up